Journal of Advanced Mass Spectroscopy <p> Illuminating the Molecular World: Journal of Advanced Mass Spectroscopy (JAMS) by Sciforce Publications</p> <p>Step into the realm of cutting-edge mass spectrometry and molecular analysis with the Journal of Advanced Mass Spectroscopy (JAMS), a distinguished publication by Sciforce Publications. JAMS serves as a guiding light for the latest research and innovations in mass spectrometry, analytical chemistry, and the dynamic world of molecular analysis. In this web content, we will explore the significance of JAMS, its contributions to the scientific community, and the fascinating world of advanced mass spectrometry.</p> en-US (Dr. Suryakiran Navath, Ph. D.) (Technical) Sun, 28 Feb 2021 00:00:00 +0000 OJS 60 Simple, reliable determination of biogenic amines in Italian red wines. Direct analysis of underivatized biogenic amines by LC-ESI-MS <p>Amines are ubiquitous compounds, and they are called “biogenic amines” (BAs) when they are synthetized by microbial decarboxylation of corresponding amino acids or “natural polyamines” when they originate from endogenous metabolic pathway. BAs may be both essential and harmful to human health. In wine, the composition of grape variety, the different types of fermentation and vinification processes and pH values are the most important contributors to BAs content. Several analytical methods have been reported for the BAs determination in wine (HPLC-UV/FLD, CE, LC-MS, etc.). As the most of them necessary require a long pre- or post-column chemical derivatization, LC coupled with MS spectrometry offers a reliable and faster determination of underivatized biogenic amines. The aim of the present work was to investigate the content of nine BAs in 23 Italian red wines samples using LC-ESI-MS. </p> Giuliana Vinci*, Laura Gobbi, Lucia Maddaloni, Sabrina Antonia Prencipe Copyright (c) 2021 Journal of Advanced Mass Spectroscopy Sun, 28 Feb 2021 00:00:00 +0000 Mass Spectroscopy: What is it and what are its Types? <p>Mass spectroscopy or mass spectrometry is the process of analyzing samples of an element or mixture in order to determine the mass to charge ratio of its components on a mass spectrum. The technique takes advantage of the fact that two charged particles with the same mass to charge ratio will follow the same path across uniform electric and magnetic fields.</p> Suryakiran Navath Copyright (c) 2021 Journal of Advanced Mass Spectroscopy Tue, 13 Jul 2021 00:00:00 +0000